The amount of the membership fees, which were accepted by the General Meeting of the Society (31.3.2016), are 10 € for students and 20 € for other members.
The amount of membership fees for 2017 remains the same as was in year 2016.
The membership fee has to be payed to bank account of the Society for Laboratory Animals of Slovenia (Gerbičeva 60, 1000 Ljubljana):
IBAN SI56 6100 0001 2423 913 (Delavska hranilnica, d.d.)
Reference for natural persons: SI00 2602-2017
Reference for legal persons: SI00 2602-2017-fiscal code
Purpose code: OTHR
In the purpose of payment please indicate name and surname of person (in the case of payments for several persons, the number and suname of persons) to whom the fmemebership fee will be payed.
In the case you would like to pay a membership fee based on the issued Pro-forma invoice, please indicate the name and surname of the person and the address to which the invoice should be addressed on e-mail via: Contact Form.